A particular physio-aesthetic massage technique in which Dr. Sandri and is qualified, thanks to a specialization course in advanced manual lymphatic drainage.
This practice aims at restoring the psycho-physical well-being of the patient, mostly women, acting on medical issues with common aesthetic implications, such as: cellulite, water retention, orange peel skin, acne, post-trauma edema, lymphedemas, lipedemas, scarring processes and circulatory failure, often due to a sedentary lifestyle, which causes swelling and heavy legs. It is important to highlight that the mere use of pressotherapy without a previous manual lymphatic drainage is not effective against the above-mentioned problems. Lymphatic drainage is also useful for disposing of drug residues and food toxins.
Slow, rhythmic manual movements and light pressures allow the lymphatic drainage of adipose tissues from the periphery to the main lymph node stations, while spreading a sense of well-being and relaxation in the person.