Radiculitis is the initial stage of neuritis. It arises from an inflammatory process at the root of a nerve. When this inflammation extends along the entire nerve, it is called neuritis with neuralgia, that is, the pain associated with the change in the condition of the nerve. Such suffering can be intermittent or continuous and subject to acute crises, in which it is perceived as an electric shock. These problems also involve formication, alteration of sensitivity, and decreased muscle strength in the affected area.
The numerous patients who have trusted us have obtained excellent results in case of: sciatica, intercostal neuritis, brachialgia, trigeminal neuritis, and shingles.
The most widespread issue is indeed sciatalgia, a neuritis that originates in the lumbar area of the back and radiates along the leg, sometimes up to the foot. Other cases of neuritis are the intercostal, generated by the dorsal vertebrae and radiated up to the ribs, but also the brachialgia and trigeminal neuritis, from the cervical discs up to, respectively, the arm and the face.
Another case of neuritis is the so-called shingles or Herpes Zoster, caused by the same virus as chickenpox.